Off to Sunway Lagoon with the friends. And they are Joey, Lizen, JohnWei, Chris, James, Amir& me. Gathered at Mcd to get to lagoon and yea off we go.
First we headed to Carl's Jr because Joey was hungry, haha. Then we went to lagoon to buy tickets. It was kinda expensive but what to do, riightt ? Everything was so expensive inside the lagoon, paid and got to pay again. We went and take a ride on the boat ( swinging, dontknowwhatdoesitcalled) and it was quite scary. Then we played on a cup ? hah, that was a bad one, got dizzy and felt like vomiting. Chris was feeling bad too. The next station, both of us didn't play. Then off to the wet park. On the way there, we found of that we got cheated. Not really because was also our faults, didn't check propaly. We wanted to hope on the motorbikes but too bad, therain came by ); So then we went to the wet park, it was fun. Met my old classmate-Lee Wei Lik (:
yea, play play and yea went home at about 7++
After taking shower headed to McDonalds, yayy (: went home at 11.30pm and slept soundly.
Byee for now, loves :D